Terms and Conditions

Per week plan
Congratulations on this positive step forward towards deep holistic health. I Would like to start by thanking you for choosing us to provide you with online coaching services. We agree to provide you with these services subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. During the Term, in consideration for the Client paying the Weekly Fee, we agree to provide the Client with the Coaching Services.

Weekly Fee’s
2. Online coaching fees are payable weekly in advance. On the same day of each week. we will debit your nominated bank account for the cost of your coaching for the following month. If you nominate a credit card, stripe will charge you a surcharge of 2.50% on your weekly fees.

2.1. Each week during the Term, the Client will pay us the Weekly Fee.

2.2. The Weekly Fee is payable in advance and the parties agree that we will not be obliged to provide any Services under this Agreement until the first Weekly Fee has been received by tribr.

2.3. The Weekly Fee is to be paid by direct debit using stripe and the Client agrees to take all necessary steps, including but not limited to completing a stripe direct debit request form, to enable the direct debit arrangement to be implemented. The Client agrees to pay any transaction fees stripe may charge.

If the Client fails to pay a Weekly Fee, then the parties agree that:
2.4.1. tribr will immediately suspend providing Services under this Agreement and the provision of Services will not be resumed until all outstanding fees have been paid; and 2.4.2. tribr may, from the date the fees fall due until payment is received, charge the Client interest on all outstanding fees at a rate of 10% per annum.

2.5. The Client agrees to indemnify tribr for any loss or damage, including but not limited to mercantile and legal costs, incurred by us in recovering fees or other amounts duly payable by the Client to us in accordance with this Agreement.

3. Once you have paid for one online coaching week it is non-refundable.

4. You agree that during the first 4 weeks (initial term) of receiving online coaching you will not suspend or terminate your online coaching with tribr.

After the completion of the Initial Term, the Client may terminate this Agreement only by providing 4 calendar weeks’ notice in writing to tribr.

During the Term, we may terminate the Agreement by 14 days’ notice in writing to the

Client if:

4.3 The Client fails to pay a Weekly Fee in accordance with clause 2.2 and the Weekly 

Fee remains outstanding for more than 14 days; or 

4.4. During the Term, if either party breaches a term of this Agreement, the party not in
breach may by written notice require the breach to be remedied within 21 days of the date of the notice. If, at the completion of the 21 day period, the breach remains outstanding, then the party not in breach my by notice in writing terminate this agreement.

5. Subject to clause 4 after the start-up period, you must give us a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice if you wish to:
a. Suspend your coaching so you can take holidays or other leave; or
b. Terminate your coaching with tribr.

If you need any further clarification or have any objections that we can discuss, please let us know. The Tribr Team


12 month plan

Congratulations on this positive step forward towards deep health. I Would like to start by thanking you for choosing tribr to provide you with online coaching services. We agree to provide you with these services subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. During the Term, in consideration for the Client paying the Weekly Fee, we agree to provide the Client with the Coaching Services.

Weekly Fee’s
2. Online coaching fees are payable weekly in advance. On the same day of each week. we will debit your nominated bank account for the cost of your coaching for the following month. If you nominate a credit card, stripe will charge you a surcharge of 2.50% on your weekly fees.

2.1. Each week during the Term, the Client will pay tribr the Weekly Fee.

2.2. The Weekly Fee is payable in advance and the parties agree that we will not be obliged to provide any Services under this Agreement until the first Weekly Fee has been received by tribr.

2.3. The Weekly Fee is to be paid by direct debit using stripe and the Client agrees to take all necessary steps, including but not limited to completing a stripe direct debit request form, to enable the direct debit arrangement to be implemented. The Client agrees to pay any transaction fees stripe may charge.

If the Client fails to pay a Weekly Fee, then the parties agree that:
2.4.1. tribr will immediately suspend providing Services under this Agreement and the provision of Services will not be resumed until all outstanding fees have been paid; and 2.4.2. tribr may, from the date the fees fall due until payment is received, charge the Client interest on all outstanding fees at a rate of 10% per annum.

2.5. The Client agrees to indemnify tribr for any loss or damage, including but not limited to mercantile and legal costs, incurred by us in recovering fees or other amounts duly payable by the Client to tribr in accordance with this Agreement.

3. Once you have paid for one online coaching week it is non-refundable.

4. You agree that during the first 12 months (initial term) of receiving online coaching you will not suspend or terminate your online coaching with tribr.

After the completion of the Initial Term, the Client may terminate this Agreement only by providing 4 calendar weeks’ notice in writing to tribr.

During the Term, we may terminate the Agreement by 14 days’ notice in writing to the

Client if:

4.3 The Client fails to pay a Weekly Fee in accordance with clause 2.2 and the Weekly 

Fee remains outstanding for more than 14 days; or

4.4. During the Term, if either party breaches a term of this Agreement, the party not in
breach may by written notice require the breach to be remedied within 21 days of the date of the notice. If, at the completion of the 21 day period, the breach remains outstanding, then

5. Subject to clause 4 after the start-up period, you must give tribr a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice if you wish to:
a. Suspend your coaching so you can take holidays or other leave; or
b. Terminate your coaching with tribr.

If you need any further clarification or have any objections that we can discuss, please let us know. The Tribr Team

Client Consent & Waiver Form




I —— give my consent to participate in the physical fitness evaluation and exercise program.


Benefits: Participation in a regular program of physical activity has been shown to produce positive changes in a number of organ systems. These changes include increased work capacity, improved cardiovascular efficiency, increased muscular strength and power, increased flexibility and improved body composition (reduction in fat levels).


Risks: I recognize that exercise carries some risk to the musculoskeletal system (sprains, strains) and the cardio respiratory system (dizziness, discomfort in breathing, heart attack.) I hereby certify that I know of no medical condition (except those noted in the exercise safety questionnaire) that would increase my risk of illness and injury as a result of participation in a regular exercise program.


Testing & Assessment: I understand that I will undergo initial testing to determine my current physical fitness status. The testing will consist of completing the exercise safety questionnaire, performing a number of functional tests.

I further understand that such screening is intended to provide my coaches with essential information used in the development of my individual fitness program. I understand that testing results will be made available only to me. I also understand that the testing is not intended to replace any other medical test or the services of my regular Doctor. By signing this consent form I understand that I am personally responsible for my actions during my time with my coaches and that I wave the responsibility of Tribr if I should incur injury as a result of my own negligence.


This coaching is designed for training and education and should not be used as a substitute for psychotherapy or psychiatry. we recommend that if psychological and psychiatric assistance is needed, that it should be sought by those professionally certified to give it and that this should not be considered a substitute.